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Were the campaign money ? Not proven but his lawyer could be in trouble ? But then again we all know the mueller investigation techniques . Right now he has 2 witnesses that won’t lie for him

For some one who says they work with elections, you sure do play blonde pretty good when it fits your narrative.

If moneys were paid in an effort to effect the election by someone OTHER than the candidate, they are supposed to be reported. If they are not it is a campaign finance violation. y directing Cohen to make said arrangements and having others make the payments. Donny violated the LAW.


US ARMY retired /mod.
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So as businessmen they spoke to Russians. Where is the collusion, where is the statements to prove that they were figuring out a way to fix the election. And how did they get all of us to vote for Trump

Two years & no evidence or charges of Russia collusion!

But plenty of perjury traps & charges of tax infractions long before the Trump campaign began!


US ARMY retired /mod.
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For some one who says they work with elections, you sure do play blonde pretty good when it fits your narrative.

If moneys were paid in an effort to effect the election by someone OTHER than the candidate, they are supposed to be reported. If they are not it is a campaign finance violation. y directing Cohen to make said arrangements and having others make the payments. Donny violated the LAW.
You mean like the fake dossier paid for by HRC .


US ARMY retired /mod.
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For some one who says they work with elections, you sure do play blonde pretty good when it fits your narrative.

If moneys were paid in an effort to effect the election by someone OTHER than the candidate, they are supposed to be reported. If they are not it is a campaign finance violation. y directing Cohen to make said arrangements and having others make the payments. Donny violated the LAW.
Again an accusation ? Not a fact and if they had it they would have used it .


US ARMY retired /mod.
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James Comey:

“I don’t recall”—8 times

“I don’t remember”—71 times

“I don’t know”—166 times

AND he said he didn’t know that

Christopher Steele was passing information to Bruce Ohr, who was giving it to the FBI.


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Time is the great revealer of all things good and evil, so, I now bow out again and wait for time to do its thing!
So as businessmen they spoke to Russians. Where is the collusion, where is the statements to prove that they were figuring out a way to fix the election. And how did they get all of us to vote for Trump

Two years & no evidence or charges of Russia collusion!

But plenty of perjury traps & charges of tax infractions long before the Trump campaign began!

When this all plays out and the truth is known by all of his defenders, I'll bet that the silver lining in this very dark cloud will be, "well, at least there was no collusion!" Wonderful!


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James Comey:

“I don’t recall”—8 times

“I don’t remember”—71 times

“I don’t know”—166 times

AND he said he didn’t know that

Christopher Steele was passing information to Bruce Ohr, who was giving it to the FBI.

Farkin' Republicans huh?


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You mean like the fake dossier paid for by HRC .

Yep that one, which in fact was originally paid for by never Trump Republicans and continued by HRC. Nobody's hands are clean in this, why continue with the one-sided perspective?


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Yep that one, which in fact was originally paid for by never Trump Republicans and continued by HRC. Nobody's hands are clean in this, why continue with the one-sided perspective?

Never Trumpers arent real republicans. Real Republicans would bend the knee, kiss the ring and wear the hat. Mueller is a treasonous bastid.


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I will also say IM curious... if Lord Trump and his court did nothing wrong, why is the Prince expecting to be indicted??



Jul 14, 2013
State College, PA
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The obvious answer is they have to, but should they? Criminals have forfeited some of their rights by due process.

So, a person is either a racist or it is the system’s fault? I don’t believe black people are inferior at all...not sure how many times I have to make that statement. I do think black people make choices that have cost them money as a whole in the grand scheme and in comparison.

Different doesn’t mean better or worse you petulant child. I also never said selfishness is inherent. I believe selfishness is a learned behavior.

So you then DO believe the government should discriminate.

You don't believe they're inferior. You just think theyre worse off 100% of their own doing and selfishness. Not racist at all.

No YOU believe different in this sense to mean worse. That's YOUR explanation. Own up to it at least.


Jul 14, 2013
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your inability to understand the point that was being made whether you agree with it or not is seriously astonishing

You just always provide SO much to the conversation.

Care to defend your opinions for once or are you just gonna run away again?


Jul 14, 2013
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From 2001 to 2005 there was an ongoing investigation into the Clinton Foundation.

A Grand Jury had been empaneled.

Governments from around the world had donated to the “Charity”.

Yet, from 2001 through 2005 none of those “Donations” to the Clinton Foundation were declared.

Hmmm, now you would think that an honest investigator would be able to figure this out.

Guess who took over this investigation in 2002?

Bet you can’t guess.

No other than James “Wassup Homey” Comey.

Now, that’s interesting, isn’t it?

Guess who was transferred in to the Internal Revenue Service to run the Tax Exemption Branch of the IRS?

Your friend and mine, our favorite person in the whole world if you are a Tea Party Member, Pro-Life or a True the Vote supporter……. ding, ding, ding, ding Lois “Be on The Look Out” (BOLO) Lerner.

Now, that’s interesting, isn’t it?

It gets better, well not really, but I am sure this is all just a series of strange coincidences, right?

Guess who ran the Tax Division inside the Department of Injustice from 2001 to 2005?

No other than the Assistant Attorney General of the United States, Rod Rosenstein.

Now, that’s interesting, isn’t it?

Guess who was the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation during this timeframe?

I know, it’s a miracle, just a coincidence, just an anomaly in statistics and chances, Robert “Gestapo Bob” Mueller.

What do all four casting characters have in common?

They all were briefed and/or were front line investigators into the Clinton Foundation Investigation that James “Wassup Homey” Comey tanked in 2005.

Now that’s just a coincidence, right?

Ok, lets chalk the last one up to mere chance.

Let’s fast forward to 2009, shall we?

James “Wassup Homey” Comey leaves the Justice Department to go and cash-in at Lockheed Martin.

Hillary Clinton is running the State Department, on her own personal email server by the way.

The Uranium One “issue” comes to the attention of the Hildabeast.

Like all good public servants do, you know looking out for America’s best interest, she decides to support the decision and approve the sale of 20% of US Uranium to no other than, the Russians.

Now you would think that this is a fairly straight up deal, except it wasn’t, the People got absolutely nothing out of it.

However, prior to the sales approval, no other than Arkansas Bill goes to Moscow, gets paid 500K for a one hour speech then meets with Vladimir Putin at his home for a few hours.

Ok, no big deal right?

Well, not so fast, the FBI had a mole inside the money laundering and bribery scheme.

Guess who was the FBI Director during this timeframe?

Yep, no other than Robert “Gestapo Bob” Mueller.

He even delivered a Uranium Sample to Moscow in September 2009.

Guess who was handling that case within the Justice Department out of the US Attorney’s Office in the Southern District of Maryland?

No other than, Compromised Rod Einstein Rosenstein, the same guy who ran the Department of Justice Tax Division when James “Wassup Homey” Comey tanked the Clinton Foundation investigation back in 2005.
Interesting, huh?
What are the chances, seriously, what are the chances that this is nothing more than a “coincidence”.

Guess what happened to the informant?

The Attorney General Holder’s Department of Justice placed a GAG order on him and threatened to lock him up if he spoke out about it.

Interesting, huh?
I wonder who signed that Gag Order?
Was it Rod Einstein Rosenstein?
I digress…….

How does 20% of the most strategic asset of the United States of America end up in Russian hands when the FBI has an informant, a mole providing inside information to the FBI on the criminal enterprise?

Guess what happened soon after the sale was approved?

~145 million dollars in “donations” made their way into the Clinton Foundation from entities directly connected to the Uranium One deal.

Guess who was still at the Internal Revenue Service working the Charitable Division?

No other than, Lois “BOLO” Lerner.

Interesting, huh?

Ok, that’s all just another series of coincidences, nothing to see here, right?

Let’s fast forward to 2015.

Due to a series of tragic events in Benghazi and after the 9 “investigations” by the House, Senate and at the State Department, Trey Gowdy who was running the 10th investigation as Chairman of the Select Committee on Benghazi discovers what all the other “investigations” mysteriously and unexplainably couldn’t.
The Hildabeast ran the State Department on an unclassified, unauthorized, outlaw personal email server.
How could nine other “investigations” not find this out, well….. makes one wonder does it not? “Fixed”? I know it is all just another series of nine more coincidences.

He also discovered that none of those emails had been turned over when she departed her “Public Service” as Secretary of State which was required by law.

He also discovered that there was Top Secret information contained within her personally archived email.

I will spare you the State Departments cover up, the nostrums they floated, the delay tactics that were employed, the obfuscation of obstruction of Congress and the outright lies that were spewed forth from the necks of the Kerry State Department, we shall leave it with this…… they did everything humanly possible to cover for the Hildabeast.

Now this is amazing, guess who became FBI Director in 2013?

Guess who secured 17 no bid contracts for his employer with the State Department and was rewarded with a six million dollar thank you present when he departed his employer?

No other than James “Wassup Homey” Comey.

Yes, the same “Public Servant” who tanked the Clinton Foundation Investigation all the way back in 2005.

Amazing how all those no-bids just went right through at State, huh?
New addition: In August of 2018, guess what Peter Sweitzer uncovers? Contracts the FBI held were awarded to?
Jim Comey at Lockheed Martin. Hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of contracts. Nothing to see here, move along…..

Now he is the FBI Director in charge of the “Clinton Email Investigation” after of course his FBI Investigates the Lois Lerner “Matter” at the Internal Revenue Service where millions of American Citizens Civil Rights were violated, evidence was “lost” and destroyed. Congressional Subpoena’s and do not destroy orders ignored.
Amazingly, the James “Wassup Homey” Comey FBI and the Holder/Lynch DOJ, what do they do?
They exonerate her and the IRS, wrap it up with a nice neat bow and declare……

Nope couldn’t find any crimes at the IRS.
Do you see a pattern?
All criminal enterprises have them.

Can you guess what happened next?

In April 2016, James “Wassup Homey” Comey drafts an exoneration letter of Hillary Rodham Clinton based upon an investigation that didn’t happen.

No Grand Jury was empaneled.

No subpoena’s were issued for witness testimony.

No search warrants were issued.

No evidence was gathered.

Unwarranted immunity deals were handed out like Halloween Candy to the principal defendants.

Evidence was lost and destroyed.

Then, like a lightning bolt of statistical impossibility, like a miracle from God himself, like the true “Gangsta” Homey is, James steps out into the cameras of an awaiting press conference on July the 5th of 2016, exonerating the Hildabeast from any wrongdoing.

I guess it is perfectly fine to have Top Secret SCI/SAP information in a barn in Chappaqua New York, a crapper in Boulder Colorado and hosted on the cloud out of New Jersey.

Can you see the pattern?

They never thought she would lose, a rigged election at that!!

Trump becomes the 45th President of the United States.

Panic sets into the Clinton Crime Family.

The Insurance Policy is put in place and set in motion.

Leaks, classified leaks fill the press to set the pretext for what was to come.

Rosenstein becomes Asst. Attorney General, Comey gets fired based upon a letter by Rosenstein, Comey leaks government information to the press to set up the “Special Counsel”, Mueller is assigned to the Russian Investigation sham by Rosenstein to provide cover for decades of malfeasance within the FBI, DOJ , State Department and other three letter agencies.

Do some homework on parallel reconstruction.

The story continues and we all have suffered because of it.

Watching Gestapo Bob and his Goose Stepping Henchmen destroy lives to try and make a case where none exists, as President Trump would say, is a National embarrassment.

FISA Abuse, political espionage, treason..... pick a crime, any crime, chances are...... this group and a few others did it.

All the same players.

All compromised and conflicted.

All working fervently to NOT go to jail themselves.

All connected in one way or another to the Clinton's and the Clinton Foundation.

They are like battery acid, they corrode and corrupt everything they touch.

How many lives have these two destroyed?

the Clinton Foundation, in its 20+ years of operation of being the largest International Charity Fraud in the history of mankind, has never been audited by the Internal Revenue Service.

Ahum, I wonder why.

I’ll just leave this here

It's amazing that you can take all these lies and whatever the hell this all is and come away totally convinced of a conspiracy.

But when it comes to all the evidence of shady stuff Trump has done you don't buy any of it.

It's almost like you already made up your mind what to believe and don't actually care about the truth or facts.


Jul 14, 2013
State College, PA
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Ehb...philosophical question

If I don’t believe all white people are the same, why would I believe all white people are the same as all black people?


You're arguing one race is worse off because of its own inherent selfishness.

What does that have to do with this?


Jul 14, 2013
State College, PA
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Don’t need to feel bad for me , feel bad for the saps who don’t know what’s going on

So in all seriousness how do you know that's what's going on?

You constantly post conspiracy theories with no sources. Videos that claim to prove things yet you have no sources.

What makes you think you have figured out what's going on? How do you know your conspiracy theories aren't conspiracy theories and are instead facts?
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