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Exactly...YOU defined it!! There's a 180 degree difference between YOUR definition and the actual definition. C'mon @gkekoa, you know that here in the off topic thread we deal, or try to, deal with definition over supposition. Part of the reason why we've gone on for as long as we have in this thread is use of overly broad strokes to define, accepted negative definitions, and beliefs not rooted in fact. To be fair, I've done this as well, and although it's fun to engage at times in such banter (see: religion) it serves no purpose in the political realm beyond creating a false base to support ingrained beliefs.

BTW: what were the underpinnings of the free market that you believe modernized this country?

There is no fact when it comes to defining liberalism. That is why I listed general beliefs in the definition.


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What individual freedom has liberalism ever got us? All it provides is bigger government and fewer actual liberties.

Conservatives promote actual individual liberties. Conservatives believe in a more conservative morality...you reap what you sow.

If you don't know then say so. How difficult can it be to use you Goggle machine and do some research in the history of this country? It is total BULLSHIT to believe that one group or even one individual takes a greater moral stance than another. Let's take you and I for example. Your position on abortion is that it's murder no matter when the abortive incident takes place, correct? Mine is that you have no business injecting yourself and your religious beliefs into someone else's business and that it's not murder because it's not human by scientific definition. Now you're entitled to your opinion, but as a conservative shouldn't you be true to your affiliation of no governmental intervention?


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new analysis scrutinizing the mainstream media’s coverage of President Donald Trump reveals just how negatively the top evening newscasts covered the Trump administration this summer.

What are the details?

The analysis, from conservative media watchdog Newsbusters, found that 92 percent of stories on the Trump administration from June 1 to Sept. 30 were covered negatively. Analysts reviewed 1,007 stories, which equated to 1,960 minutes of airtime, from the NBC, ABC, and CBS evening newscasts.

Surprisingly, two-thirds of all coverage focused on five stories:

Russia “collusion” investigation covered for 342 minutes: 97 percent of coverage was negative
Trump’s immigration policies covered for 308 minutes: 94 percent of coverage was negative
Kavanaugh’s nomination fight covered for 291 minutes: 82 percent of coverage was negative
North Korean diplomacy covered for 179 minutes: 90 percent of coverage was negative
Relations with Russia and Russian President Vladimir Putin covered for 151 minutes: 99 percent of coverage was negative
What did media mostly ignore?

According to the analysis, NBC, CBS, and ABC spent only 14 minutes — which equates to 0.7 percent — on the booming economy under Trump, which features record low unemployment, surging wages, small business growth, and record stock market achievements

Just going to throw this out there again


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Military and national defense is used by all.

Welfare and other programs are only used by a handful.

Liberals claim to want higher taxes but only want higher taxes on other people.. thus spending other people’s money.

Why don’t they simply give more money to the IRS?

1. Military and national defense is used by all.

Nonsense!! We may all benefit from it but in no way is it used by all. There's no program that requires individuals upon reaching a certain age to become involved in our national defense. It is used by far fewer than are using "welfare and other programs." Speaking of which...

2. Welfare and other programs are only used by a handful.

Again nonsense!! "welfare and other programs" are also jobs programs. Like the MIC it also employs a whole lot of people across the country. If btw, there was no use for it, welfare, then it probably wouldn't exist. I separated that from Social Security because, there are people who want to "Make America Great Again" who are detached from the history of this country. Did you know for example that prior to the Great depression that there were only two classes of people here... rich and poor? The middle class was a direct response to the destructive nature of a ruling class as was a need to create the social safety net called social security. Now if you don't know, take a look at your pay stub, unless you are a firefighter, policeman or in the military, you'll note that it's being deducted from your pay. Answer this question then get back to me...Why/what's the reason?

3. Liberals claim to want higher taxes but only want higher taxes on other people.. thus spending other people’s money.

Interesting that you use water, breathe air that admittedly both could be better, use roads, bridges, and other public venues and not want to pay for the same. Let's stop taking for granted that freedom is free, it is not, nor are the amenities that make us more comfortable. I do have a suggestion but the flag wavers won't allow it because generally speaking they are cowards who stand for it but won't do a damned thing to defend it sacrificially. So here's my idea, freeze the military budget at 2013 levels, then use the saving to rebuild our crumbling infrastructure. This will not only give us the needed upgrades but also employ people thus lowering the rolls of welfare recipients, increasing the number of people paying into social security, taxes and such. I know that it's a liberal idea, but honestly, who the hell cares if it works?

4. Why don’t they simply give more money to the IRS?

Really? C'mon man! what method would you use to determine who gives what to them? I don't really care what you call it, but if the end result is money coming out of one's pocket what it's called doesn't really matter does it? We had a governor here in Maryland (Erlich) who came to the office by promising to never raise taxes. True to his word he never did raise taxes, however, he created and nearly tripled more fees than we had ever seen before...like I said, we had a governor...:D. Thing is raising taxes is not a bad thing if used for the common good. Key word 'if." It is interesting to note that there are a lot of so-called conservative states in this country who still promote the evils of raising taxes, who are perpetually ranked near or at the bottom in education, health care and so on. Talking about voting against their own best interest! Wow!


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Aug 7, 2013
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new analysis scrutinizing the mainstream media’s coverage of President Donald Trump reveals just how negatively the top evening newscasts covered the Trump administration this summer.

What are the details?

The analysis, from conservative media watchdog Newsbusters, found that 92 percent of stories on the Trump administration from June 1 to Sept. 30 were covered negatively. Analysts reviewed 1,007 stories, which equated to 1,960 minutes of airtime, from the NBC, ABC, and CBS evening newscasts.

Surprisingly, two-thirds of all coverage focused on five stories:

Russia “collusion” investigation covered for 342 minutes: 97 percent of coverage was negative
Trump’s immigration policies covered for 308 minutes: 94 percent of coverage was negative
Kavanaugh’s nomination fight covered for 291 minutes: 82 percent of coverage was negative
North Korean diplomacy covered for 179 minutes: 90 percent of coverage was negative
Relations with Russia and Russian President Vladimir Putin covered for 151 minutes: 99 percent of coverage was negative
What did media mostly ignore?

According to the analysis, NBC, CBS, and ABC spent only 14 minutes — which equates to 0.7 percent — on the booming economy under Trump, which features record low unemployment, surging wages, small business growth, and record stock market achievements

Just going to throw this out there again

Almost all of the "mainstream" media is owned and operated by conservatives. I've personally given you the facts on this. Why do you keep insisting upon touting this nonsense? Have they really gotten to you? Are you so hell bent on continuing to throw this stuff out that facts don't really matter? C'mon sarge!!


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@dad there just might be another reason why he gets no positive reports in the news, yes he's president but also a despicable human being. Two things can be true at the same time. You know this, we were both in the military, we respect the rank not necessarily the human who wears it.


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There is no fact when it comes to defining liberalism. That is why I listed general beliefs in the definition.

Well for the first time in our history, there's a word that has no definition, therefore it either doesn't exist or it's among the allowable "words" in the English language. BTW: aren't the allowed ones words too?

Excuse me for a moment while I remind my friend that...your hatred of country is showing!


warPAINt nation
Jul 3, 2013
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@dad there just might be another reason why he gets no positive reports in the news, yes he's president but also a despicable human being. Two things can be true at the same time. You know this, we were both in the military, we respect the rank not necessarily the human who wears it.
You are kidding right. You believe he gets no media coverage of the positives he's done because he's simply an asshole. Silly my man. Yes, the dude is an ass, but I can assure you he gets no positive press because basically, he keeps winning, and the left wing nuts simply hate this guy no matter what. Why give him good press. The media is trying to get rid of him (get this) because he's a meanie weenie. I guess they want another nice guy pretty face making another appearance on SNL type of president who draws red lines but then runs and hides. Too funny. He gets no good press because they just want him gone.... despite the good things he has accomplished that Obama couldn't. Perhaps if he had that magic wand eh. Lindsey Graham hit it on the head when he said God help this country if the democrats regain power. Thank you. We now return you to your scheduled program.


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You are kidding right. You believe he gets no media coverage of the positives he's done because he's simply an asshole. Silly my man. Yes, the dude is an ass, but I can assure you he gets no positive press because basically, he keeps winning, and the left wing nuts simply hate this guy no matter what. Why give him good press. The media is trying to get rid of him (get this) because he's a meanie weenie. I guess they want another nice guy pretty face making another appearance on SNL type of president who draws red lines but then runs and hides. Too funny. He gets no good press because they just want him gone.... despite the good things he has accomplished that Obama couldn't. Perhaps if he had that magic wand eh. Lindsey Graham hit it on the head when he said God help this country if the democrats regain power. Thank you. We now return you to your scheduled program.

I don't see the positives that he's done either, do tell what are they?


warPAINt nation
Jul 3, 2013
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I don't see the positives that he's done either, do tell what are they?
I can't argue with a guy who's blind in the right eye. In other words ... only sees out his left. I know,,, you're neither dem or repub. Gotcha. I guess Trumps still benefitting from Obama's residuals, right. Oh wait,, markets tanking today... that's on Trump right? hands up .. I give.


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I can't argue with a guy who's blind in the right eye. In other words ... only sees out his left. I know,,, you're neither dem or repub. Gotcha. I guess Trumps still benefitting from Obama's residuals, right. Oh wait,, markets tanking today... that's on Trump right? hands up .. I give.

Nope you're wrong on both counts. Markets fluctuate that's a given. If any one is blind it's you who insists that Trump inherited a bad economy and Obama did not. it's sad really that you can't list one thing as requested, that he's done to make your life better, turn the failing Obama economy around, or pull the country together politically. Do me a favor, when you wake up, rub the bullshit out of your eyes and mouth, and want to have a respectable conversation, get back to me.


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I’ve already listed a bunch of things trump has done for this country and the list just keeps growing. However, I asked the same about Obummer and never got an answer. I didn’t pursue it, because I knew it was impossible to answer.


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Jul 18, 2013
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If you don't know then say so. How difficult can it be to use you Goggle machine and do some research in the history of this country? It is total BULLSHIT to believe that one group or even one individual takes a greater moral stance than another. Let's take you and I for example. Your position on abortion is that it's murder no matter when the abortive incident takes place, correct? Mine is that you have no business injecting yourself and your religious beliefs into someone else's business and that it's not murder because it's not human by scientific definition. Now you're entitled to your opinion, but as a conservative shouldn't you be true to your affiliation of no governmental intervention?

Again, you inject what you believe my religious opinion is. I have never used religion to defend my anti-abortion view.

When did I ever say the government should never intervene in our lives? I do believe the government should outlaw murder because an individual does not have the right to infringe on another. On a personal level, I define an individual at conception because that is what the Declaration says.


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Thoughts and prayers to Florida. Jeez. Cat 4, hit at almost a 5.


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Again, you inject what you believe my religious opinion is. I have never used religion to defend my anti-abortion view.

When did I ever say the government should never intervene in our lives? I do believe the government should outlaw murder because an individual does not have the right to infringe on another. On a personal level, I define an individual at conception because that is what the Declaration says.

Just have to ask.. exactly what declaration says that a person is actually a person upon conception??


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1. Military and national defense is used by all.

Nonsense!! We may all benefit from it but in no way is it used by all. There's no program that requires individuals upon reaching a certain age to become involved in our national defense. It is used by far fewer than are using "welfare and other programs." Speaking of which...

2. Welfare and other programs are only used by a handful.

Again nonsense!! "welfare and other programs" are also jobs programs. Like the MIC it also employs a whole lot of people across the country. If btw, there was no use for it, welfare, then it probably wouldn't exist. I separated that from Social Security because, there are people who want to "Make America Great Again" who are detached from the history of this country. Did you know for example that prior to the Great depression that there were only two classes of people here... rich and poor? The middle class was a direct response to the destructive nature of a ruling class as was a need to create the social safety net called social security. Now if you don't know, take a look at your pay stub, unless you are a firefighter, policeman or in the military, you'll note that it's being deducted from your pay. Answer this question then get back to me...Why/what's the reason?

3. Liberals claim to want higher taxes but only want higher taxes on other people.. thus spending other people’s money.

Interesting that you use water, breathe air that admittedly both could be better, use roads, bridges, and other public venues and not want to pay for the same. Let's stop taking for granted that freedom is free, it is not, nor are the amenities that make us more comfortable. I do have a suggestion but the flag wavers won't allow it because generally speaking they are cowards who stand for it but won't do a damned thing to defend it sacrificially. So here's my idea, freeze the military budget at 2013 levels, then use the saving to rebuild our crumbling infrastructure. This will not only give us the needed upgrades but also employ people thus lowering the rolls of welfare recipients, increasing the number of people paying into social security, taxes and such. I know that it's a liberal idea, but honestly, who the hell cares if it works?

4. Why don’t they simply give more money to the IRS?

Really? C'mon man! what method would you use to determine who gives what to them? I don't really care what you call it, but if the end result is money coming out of one's pocket what it's called doesn't really matter does it? We had a governor here in Maryland (Erlich) who came to the office by promising to never raise taxes. True to his word he never did raise taxes, however, he created and nearly tripled more fees than we had ever seen before...like I said, we had a governor...:D. Thing is raising taxes is not a bad thing if used for the common good. Key word 'if." It is interesting to note that there are a lot of so-called conservative states in this country who still promote the evils of raising taxes, who are perpetually ranked near or at the bottom in education, health care and so on. Talking about voting against their own best interest! Wow!

1- Nonsense. Without the military, everybody without blonde hair and blue eyes would be dead.

2- Nonsense. So people that work in the welfare offices now make it a job’s program? Here is an idea...have those people get jobs that should exist.

3- nonsense. When did I say I wouldn’t pay for water, roads and bridges? Like I said, liberals want to raise taxes on the rich when they are more than capable of giving more of their own money.

4- All they have to do is call the IRS and ask where to give. The IRS won’t turn them down. As for rankings, their choice.


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Jul 18, 2013
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Well for the first time in our history, there's a word that has no definition, therefore it either doesn't exist or it's among the allowable "words" in the English language. BTW: aren't the allowed ones words too?

Excuse me for a moment while I remind my friend that...your hatred of country is showing!

Show me the hatred. I fought for this country and would gladly do s again.

What have you done?


US ARMY retired /mod.
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Almost all of the "mainstream" media is owned and operated by conservatives. I've personally given you the facts on this. Why do you keep insisting upon touting this nonsense? Have they really gotten to you? Are you so hell bent on continuing to throw this stuff out that facts don't really matter? C'mon sarge!!
Yeah that is why they push left wing agendas


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Yeah that is why they push left wing agendas

You ever consider that there may actually be more evil Liberals then conservatives. And the Media plays to their audience??

And if thats the case, a government that caters to a minority of the people, is not really a democracy.

Just a thought.


warPAINt nation
Jul 3, 2013
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Nope you're wrong on both counts. Markets fluctuate that's a given. If any one is blind it's you who insists that Trump inherited a bad economy and Obama did not. it's sad really that you can't list one thing as requested, that he's done to make your life better, turn the failing Obama economy around, or pull the country together politically. Do me a favor, when you wake up, rub the bullshit out of your eyes and mouth, and want to have a respectable conversation, get back to me.
Never once have I stated That Trump inherited a bad economy. Obama's market didn't do poorly just Trumps market has done better as of date as of same time. Homey, I ain't concerned so much as what he's done for me I'm actually more concerned what he's has done for the american people. More jobs means low unemployment, actually in record numbers for blacks, whites and hispanics,,, like I said,, all americans, but you refuse to acknowledge that. Why? Because he's an asshole. Not a valid stand to make. The country is being pulled apart from you asshole liberals who will stop at nothing, even selling out a country that has benefitted you because you can't stand that a republican is making america a better nation for every average citizen. You still believe that MAGA is about rounding up and lynching every black across america. Grow up and stop listening to your extreme biased media. You're wrong on all counts and It's warping your brain. Gkekeo has already listed many positive things Trump as done and guess what,,you refute every single one. He then tells you a negative Obama has done,, and guess what,, you refute every one with your "garbled google nonsense."

I have read just about everything you have posted in this thread topic and I'm convinced your just a bitter old black man who just can't get past that past. I can promise you that Trump don't hate blacks but you can't believe that. I can promise you that Trump loves this country and every legal citizen in it but you can't believe that. Your to busy screaming for his impeachment right along with Maxine 'the nut case who should be in jail' Waters. Why should he be impeached btw,,, because he's an ass? Is that really grounds for impeachment? Because of Collusion with Russia? Has there ever been any proof. Seems only proof that ever comes out is with your party in collusion with the FBI to take down a president because he aint their guy... or gal.

Yea,, obviously you and me won't ever agree on anything. I see the good that has come of this nation since Trump took office. Moving the embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. Pulled the "we hate america' Iranians out of the nuke deal that gave them an open path. Begun talks with North Korea. Created millions of new jobs that Obama just couldn't figure out. Has brought to the attention the opiod crisis that inflicts this nation daily. Renegotiated unfair trade deals.... but you see none of this. Turn off the TV and open both right and left eye and you'll start to see things clearer... and fairer.

Listen, I got no beef with you personally. My beef is with the millions of americans (some illegal) who protest and cause havoc for absolutely no reason but to create "havoc" for the rest of us. Half the idiots don't even know what they're protesting. I hope you weren't on board with the rest of the hypocrites who unjustly tried to fry Brett Kavanaugh from his rightly place because of a heresy charge 36 years ago. Please tell me you weren't on board with that train wreck the liberals tried to pull. Please tell me you were appalled by it like any normal american should have been. Definitive proof hey I'm on board with you boys... but their was none,,, now was there. Im sure you caught the **** star lawyer coming up with his lying client to derail a nomination. Serial rapist they claimed. Please tell me you weren't gullible into believing that one.

Bottom line: Trump aint a crowd favorite. I don't like his stupid childlike tweets,,, however, I see past that. I see a man who wants to make america great for all its citizens. I see a man who is trying to stop the raping of america by other countries with better trade deals. I see a man who is winning, as promised and I see a democratic party incensed by his accomplishments simply because they couldn't.. or have the balls.. to step on toes and get it done. Again, no beef with you... just the party you claim "not" to lean with.
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