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and i would agree , they are not citizens and hence not required due process under our constitution .

and i dont know where you get he wants people who dont want or need to come here . . he said he wants people with skills to come here . but people of color i guess arent smart enough to speak english and have a skill according to the left

and what valid reason does anyone else have to come here ? and why is an illegals more valid ? if people want to come to our country they ALL have valid reasons

and for god's sake mexico has a top economy in the world yet their elites make their own people suffer

i wonder what beloved canada would do if we simply escorted these illegals to their border and say " here you go " like mexico does to us ?

this rings of trump derangement syndrome because as i have mentioned clinton , bush , and obama all did this without a blip on the radar from the left

Serious question dude, where do you personally draw the line. At what point does this become not about the country as a whole, but of Trump trying intentionally to keep the country divided along racial lines?? Deporting with no due process?? Whats next land mines and gun pits to protect us from this invasion. This infestation??

Even the terms he uses are classic dehumanization. The well Trump wasnt the first person to do this argument is the same style of logic used to defend some of the most atrocious acts committed against groups of people in history within the last 300 or so years. HOnestly dude, I would say look into the Alt right, and what they are really about and then compare it to what Trump is doing and saying. And if you in your heart can still back that without questioning his thinking.... Well fuck I really dont know what else to say.


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Dec 12, 2017
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Serious question dude, where do you personally draw the line. At what point does this become not about the country as a whole, but of Trump trying intentionally to keep the country divided along racial lines??

come on.... the racial division started with Obama. That dude fanned the flames for 8 years. The racial division has continued after he left with the media carrying the torch. MSM is an extension of the democratic party after all.

people are also sick of being labeled racists for merely disagreeing.


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I just want to say that I am completely okay with people disagreeing and taking educated stances one way or the other. I'm okay with different opinions because everyone has different core values.

What I am not okay with is one side being silenced. What I am not okay with is misleading information and news. I am not okay with partisanship in the press. I am also not okay with both sides of the story not being shared. This is currently running rampant.

Social media, particularly twitter, is a breeding ground for left winged intolerance.

For these reasons alone I can not support the DNC until they get their shit under control because right now they are showing signs of intolerance, radical thought, and aggression and its kind of scary to be honest.

Maxine Waters is also a disgrace.



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come on.... the racial division started with Obama. That dude fanned the flames for 8 years. The racial division has continued after he left with the media carrying the torch. MSM is an extension of the democratic party after all.

people are also sick of being labeled racists for merely disagreeing.

So again with the this is Obama's fault crap. Notice I said he was trying to KEEP the country split along racial lines. IM not attributing it to Trump, nor do I blame Obama or Bush singularly. Its always been there, some times its a big divide, some times its just under the surface.

As I said look... really look at the Alt right. Take a day, do some reading. Then compare what their thought process is to what Trump is doing. Ask your wife what she thinks of some of their ideals.

Then get back to me.


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I just want to say that I am completely okay with people disagreeing and taking educated stances one way or the other. I'm okay with different opinions because everyone has different core values.

What I am not okay with is one side being silenced. What I am not okay with is misleading information and news. I am not okay with partisanship in the press. I am also not okay with both sides of the story not being shared. This is currently running rampant.

Social media, particularly twitter, is a breeding ground for left winged intolerance.

For these reasons alone I can not support the DNC until they get their shit under control because right now they are showing signs of intolerance, radical thought, and aggression and its kind of scary to be honest.

Maxine Waters is also a disgrace.

SO the crying girl thing bothers you.

Yes she wasnt separated from her mom. Great, the media was misleading on this one. How about the 2300+ that were??


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So again with the this is Obama's fault crap. Notice I said he was trying to KEEP the country split along racial lines. IM not attributing it to Trump, nor do I blame Obama or Bush singularly. Its always been there, some times its a big divide, some times its just under the surface.

As I said look... really look at the Alt right. Take a day, do some reading. Then compare what their thought process is to what Trump is doing. Ask your wife what she thinks of some of their ideals.

Then get back to me.

My wife and her family are staunch democrats who love and idolize JFK. So.... we dont talk politics.

My issue is win votes and win the majority with better policy instead of attempting to shame people over. Its very off putting. Once there becomes a viable common sense candidate who doesnt pander to old school party lines that is who I'd vote. I'm fiscally conservative. My view on foreign policy and immigration is conservative but I do lean left socially in some instances.


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SO the crying girl thing bothers you.

Yes she wasnt separated from her mom. Great, the media was misleading on this one. How about the 2300+ that were??

Its a microcosm of what is going on with this topic and everything political in this moment in time.

Lay out all the information including Obamas and Bushs role regarding the same policy. Let the people decide what is right and what is wrong and what they believe in.

If it came off as real investigative journalism thats okay. This comes off as a hit piece and smeer.

BTW Trump used his executive power to put an end to it. This has received .00007% of the media attention though.


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My wife and her family are staunch democrats who love and idolize JFK. So.... we dont talk politics.

My issue is win votes and win the majority with better policy instead of attempting to shame people over. Its very off putting. Once there becomes a viable common sense candidate who doesnt pander to old school party lines that is who I'd vote. I'm fiscally conservative. My view on foreign policy and immigration is conservative but I do lean left socially in some instances.

So you chose Trump?? A man who started his presidential run declaring the majority of immigrants coming across the border were rapists and murderers. The guy who just last week thought it was cool to refer to a political opponent with a racial slur, That guy?? The guy who staunchly backed a bakers right to not serve a gay couple, but has now gone on a smear campaign against a restaurant primarily run and operated by gays... because they choose not to serve his lacky...

That guy??


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Dec 12, 2017
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SO the crying girl thing bothers you.

Yes she wasnt separated from her mom. Great, the media was misleading on this one. How about the 2300+ that were??

also TIME Magazine? NYT? Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, ABC

That is a disgrace! These were one time reputable outlets that the American people relied on for information! How is that not a huge deal and a massive problem?


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Its a microcosm of what is going on with this topic and everything political in this moment in time.

Lay out all the information including Obamas and Bushs role regarding the same policy. Let the people decide what is right and what is wrong and what they believe in.

If it came off as real investigative journalism thats okay. This comes off as a hit piece and smeer.

BTW Trump used his executive power to put an end to it. This has received .00007% of the media attention though.

MAybe because his exec order was some what like a kid starting a fire intentionally, then putting it out and wanting to be praised for stopping the fire he threw gas on to begin with.

Just a thought.


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So you chose Trump?? A man who started his presidential run declaring the majority of immigrants coming across the border were rapists and murderers. The guy who just last week thought it was cool to refer to a political opponent with a racial slur, That guy?? The guy who staunchly backed a bakers right to not serve a gay couple, but has now gone on a smear campaign against a restaurant primarily run and operated by gays... because they choose not to serve his lacky...

That guy??

I didnt choose Trump. 50% of the American voters did though.

I would have chose Paul Ryan, Paul, Rubio, Romney shit maybe even Christie before I chose Trump.

Trump has shown a willingness to attempt bipartisanship which was completely absent the previous 8 years. That alone is trending in the direction of common sense politics and less party lined based.

Thats why people voted for Obama the first time around after all.


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also TIME Magazine? NYT? Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, ABC

That is a disgrace! These were one time reputable outlets that the American people relied on for information! How is that not a huge deal and a massive problem?

Whats a disgrace is the official attempt to dehumanize these people.

I realize this could never happen to Americans. But if it did, if an American family was detained by another country, and the kids shipped miles away from the parents.... America would be all for sending in the Marines and what ever else.

See to me this shouldnt be a America thing, or a Mexico thing... it should be a HUMAN thing.


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Whats a disgrace is the official attempt to dehumanize these people.

I realize this could never happen to Americans. But if it did, if an American family was detained by another country, and the kids shipped miles away from the parents.... America would be all for sending in the Marines and what ever else.

See to me this shouldnt be a America thing, or a Mexico thing... it should be a HUMAN thing.

Its a deterrent. Its a loophole that was being abused.

There needs to be a better more humane deterrent though, which is probably why Trump is so fixated on the wall.

At what point is the blame shifted to the parents? What did the study say something like 80% of the women and children are sexually abused during their exodus to America. WTF with those kind of statistics these parents are actively putting their children in harms way.....

much like the girl used in the Time Magazine spread. The husband had a good job in Hondorus! He had no idea why his wife would do that.

This is child trafficking


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Its a deterrent. Its a loophole that was being abused.

There needs to be a better more humane deterrent though, which is probably why Trump is so fixated on the wall.

At what point is the blame shifted to the parents? What did the study say something like 80% of the women and children are sexually abused during their exodus to America. WTF with those kind of statistics these parents are actively putting their children in harms way.....

much like the girl used in the Time Magazine spread. The husband had a good job in Hondorus! He had no idea why his wife would do that.

This is child trafficking

SO its a deterrent. And yet knowing all this, no one has thought to ask WHY these people are willing to risk criminal prosecution, r*pe, and death to get to America?? Oh wait thats right they all want to come here and get on welfare apparently.

The reality is, they all want a CHANCE at a better life than the one they left. I find it rather convenient they found this childs father. And because his story matched the message they want to put out, they are pimping him as some sort of mitigating factor. So why has no one asked the mom WHY she left?? If her life was so great in Honduras, why not ask her why she did it and show her response??


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Jul 18, 2013
somewhere over the rainbow
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Serious question dude, where do you personally draw the line. At what point does this become not about the country as a whole, but of Trump trying intentionally to keep the country divided along racial lines?? Deporting with no due process?? Whats next land mines and gun pits to protect us from this invasion. This infestation??

Even the terms he uses are classic dehumanization. The well Trump wasnt the first person to do this argument is the same style of logic used to defend some of the most atrocious acts committed against groups of people in history within the last 300 or so years. HOnestly dude, I would say look into the Alt right, and what they are really about and then compare it to what Trump is doing and saying. And if you in your heart can still back that without questioning his thinking.... Well fuck I really dont know what else to say.

1- How exactly is he dividing the country by racial lines? When does he mention race regarding American citizens? I can show you where Obama did this.

2- Deprtation without due process? I have been looking and according to the Fourteenth Amendment, due process is not guaranteed. That being said, are you sure we aren’t giving due process? I have not seen the law requiring a case go before a judge for deportation.

3- I am all for land mines along the border.

4- infestation is the presence of a large number of animals, typically as to cause damage. Some people could see it as such. Is it a nice word? Obviously not but people are too damn sensitive these days. It is the same as calling them invaders instead of immigrants. Realistically, that is exactly what they are.

5- when he say these people are not human, I will care, unless it is taken out of context.

6- When people say Trump wasn’t the first, they are pointing out the obvious double standard. They are not always saying Trump is correct in doing so.

7- I don’t care what the alt right says. I don’t care what the left says. I care what the law says. I can determine my own mind if I like the law. Here’s a little hint. The alt right is not always wrong and neither is the left.


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Jul 18, 2013
somewhere over the rainbow
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So you chose Trump?? A man who started his presidential run declaring the majority of immigrants coming across the border were rapists and murderers. The guy who just last week thought it was cool to refer to a political opponent with a racial slur, That guy?? The guy who staunchly backed a bakers right to not serve a gay couple, but has now gone on a smear campaign against a restaurant primarily run and operated by gays... because they choose not to serve his lacky...

That guy??

1- Show me where he said a majority of immigrants were rapists and murderers.He wasn’t even referring to immigrants in the statement. He was referring to illegals. Now, show me where he said a majority of illegals were rapists and murderers.

2- What slur and to whom?

3- Was he wrong to back the baker? Well some in society say he was but those same people condone people discriminating on beliefs. You don’t find that hypocritical? The same people that claim we should not be allowed to discriminate think it is OK to discriminate against people who disagree with them.


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Whats a disgrace is the official attempt to dehumanize these people.

I realize this could never happen to Americans. But if it did, if an American family was detained by another country, and the kids shipped miles away from the parents.... America would be all for sending in the Marines and what ever else.

See to me this shouldnt be a America thing, or a Mexico thing... it should be a HUMAN thing.

1- How is he dehumanizing them? Is he wrong to dehumanize people? He called MS-13 animals. Well technically they are. Even if he is wrong, don’t they act like animals? Are they acting human?

2- This does happen to Americans. Most recently, we have had people released from Iran and North Korea who were being detained. When people break the law of foreign countries, they get detained.


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SO its a deterrent. And yet knowing all this, no one has thought to ask WHY these people are willing to risk criminal prosecution, r*pe, and death to get to America?? Oh wait thats right they all want to come here and get on welfare apparently.

The reality is, they all want a CHANCE at a better life than the one they left. I find it rather convenient they found this childs father. And because his story matched the message they want to put out, they are pimping him as some sort of mitigating factor. So why has no one asked the mom WHY she left?? If her life was so great in Honduras, why not ask her why she did it and show her response??

One reason they come here is we haven’t done a very good job of enforcing our laws. There are those who want to find loopholes in the system. There are those who want to work. The truth is, we don’t care what they want. We can’t fix the world. We can only control the US and influence the world.

You would have to define a better life.

The reason she left is not relevant. The fact is Time was caught in another lie to push a political agenda.


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Serious question dude, where do you personally draw the line. At what point does this become not about the country as a whole, but of Trump trying intentionally to keep the country divided along racial lines?? Deporting with no due process?? Whats next land mines and gun pits to protect us from this invasion. This infestation??

Even the terms he uses are classic dehumanization. The well Trump wasnt the first person to do this argument is the same style of logic used to defend some of the most atrocious acts committed against groups of people in history within the last 300 or so years. HOnestly dude, I would say look into the Alt right, and what they are really about and then compare it to what Trump is doing and saying. And if you in your heart can still back that without questioning his thinking.... Well fuck I really dont know what else to say.

that divide started long before trump , in fact before he ran for office he hung out with many of today's race baiters . the central american people are not innocent of genocide shark: they wiped out 3 races of people . Who is committing the violence Shark. ? Who rioted when Trump was elected ? Leftist routinely commit violence , won’t allow conservatives to speak at universities , throw people out of restaurants and encourage harassment of Trump officials , see Maxine waters : then cry racism when facts don’t back up their positions
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